
Welcome to our cutting-edge startup, currently in development, dedicated to revolutionizing the educational experience for universities, teachers, and students. Our platform offers a sophisticated role-based system that empowers teachers to efficiently manage student data such as marks, assignments, and attendance, all while enabling faculty to create custom roles and permissions. This allows for seamless bulk import of students and automated notifications through WhatsApp for important updates like notices, reminders, and event invitations. Students benefit from real-time attendance tracking and access to essential information, ensuring they are always informed about their academic progress. Furthermore, our platform includes robust event management capabilities, allowing universities and faculty to organize and manage events effortlessly. WhatsApp integration extends to ticket distribution, enabling easy ticketing and event communication directly on the platform. Universities can easily sign up to access a suite of features including built-in library functionalities, student management tools, blogs, and payment gateways. Teachers have the ability to grant permissions for tasks such as student blog writing, enhancing collaboration and engagement within the educational community. the software is not ready and will be launched in coming months and is currelty worked on. For detailes contact [email protected]